Sunday, April 4, 2010

Resident Evil Afterlife 3D Teaser

The Resident Evil movies have always been in question of good taste towards the video game franchise. With a lead role not in the video games and some other pretty big changes have had fans of the games turn the other way. For being a fan of Resident Evil ever since I got my hands on the Directors Cut of the very first game for the PSX, I was extatic about the first movie. It was one of my favorite films of the time even after being so different. Sure I thought it could have used some more game elements, but I was taken on a ride and never looked back. As the sequels came I felt that it was losing some of it's magic and after the third movie I was less pumped about Resident Evil movies. When I first heard that the forth movie was going to be in 3D, I was a bit disappointed and hoped that it wouldn't just be another gimmick. However being a fan like I am, I knew I was going to see Afterlife no matter what. After seeing this trailer my hopes have brightened for the movie. The visuals are really stunning and seeing more monsters from the games makes me smile. Now I can't wait for September 10th. The teaser trailer is below for your viewing pleasure.

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